Graphic non-fiction book on markets and economic freedom

Good news: If things work out as expected, my graphic non-fiction book on markets and economic freedom, released in Swedish last year, will be published in English (with the Swedish publisher Idealistas) later this year.
The book is an illustrated book that explains the benefits of markets and economic freedom. It is based on research but it is non-technical and accessible. The book is similar to Bryan CaplanĀ“s Open borders, but my book is much broader: It deals with the market economy in general, and discusses several misperceptions about the market economy.
The basic message of the book is that the market economy is a tool that helps people work together to achieve their goals. Here is a sample:

I am now raising money for the final stage of the production. Thanks to th Institute for Humane Studies and the Hayek fund, I have a very good translation to work with. The english version will be paperback, rather than hardcover (I actually thinks that woks better for a graphic non-fiction book). Hopefully, you will soon be able to order it on Amazon.
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