Workshop announcement: "Social Trust: Measurement, Causes, and Consequences"
Call for papers
"Social Trust: Measurement, Causes, and Consequences"
Elite Hotel Savoy in Malmö, Sweden
June 15-16, 2020
Generously supported by the Arne Ryde Foundation
Like no other part of social capital, social trust has the capacity to facilitate collaboration between strangers, making it a powerful solution to collective action problems. However, even though social trust is correlated with a multitude of normatively desirable outcomes such as economic growth, good public health, better working democracies and generous welfare states, we know surprisingly little about the factors that promote trust. We also have a very limited understanding about how and why exactly trust and the good things in life are correlated. This workshop will bring together scholars dealing with social trust and its measurement, causes and consequences.
A broad mix of paper submissions from a variety of disciplines (e.g. economics, political science, geography, sociology) is encouraged, including a multitude of methods and theoretical perspectives. We particularly welcome paper contributions that employ an experimental perspective, an instrumental variable design, and/or longitudinal data and methods.
Malmö is Sweden’s third largest city, located in the very south of the country. The city is conveniently situated a 20-minutes train ride from Copenhagen International Airport, and also easily accessible with either car or ferry.
The organizing team consists of Sandra Donnally (Department of Economics, Lund University), Andreas Bergh (Department of Economics, Lund University) and Jan Mewes (Department of Sociology, Lund University).
The workshop is generously supported by the Arne Ryde Foundation. Accommodation (including breakfast) and a conference dinner will be provided free of charge. We kindly ask participants to make and pay their own travel arrangements.
Please send your paper proposals, including an informative title plus an abstract of 300–500 words, to Sandra Donnally (sandra.donally _at_ Deadline for proposals is September 15, 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in early November 2019.
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